
The Ins and Outs of Kenny Jang

Teaching philosophy
To help students learn and apply what they learned in the classroom out of the classroom as well. I want to help guide students to enjoy physical activity and understand why it is important for your health. The lessons I will teach will integrate not only physical functions but a healthy lifestyle that also goes hand in hand.

What Makes Me Qualified

My Field Experience


CUNY York College
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Nutrition

Northeastern University
Major: Finance (Investment Banking)
Minor: Health


York College Lifegaurd

Benjamin N. Cardozo High School
Men's Volleyball Assistant Coach
-develop young players in specific areas of their game to be ready for a collegiate career

NYSP Sports Camp Coach
-Help develop children age 12-15 understanding the concept of play and guiding them through various physical activities.

Volunteer work

October- December 2007
The United Way, New Orleans Emergency Communities
-Participated in the rebuilding effort in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Help rebuild houses, serve food to the communities and was part of the afterschool program for the youth in the Lower 9th Ward


Example Lesson #1

Physical Education 9th and 10th grade physical education

Do you know how many calories you actually intake on a daily basis? Depending on how much you eat and the types of food you eat, it can drastically have an effect on your weight. Today we will learn to input all of the types of food we eat and make a single day dietary recall. A dietary recall is a chart in which you would put all the foods you eat and the amount of calories and fats you eat in a day.

Each person will write down all the different types of food that they eat on one single day. You will record and breakdown what is in the food that you eat. For example a cheeseburger would have buns, patty, cheese, ketchup. Then you will look in the back of your health textbooks and write down the calories and fat from the information in the back of your textbook. Your textbook will have the calorie and grams of fat of the foods that we eat.

Open up an excel document In the A column row 1 you will type in food In the B column row 1 you will type in calories In the C column row 1 you will type in fat Starting from column A row 2 going down you will type one food in each of the boxes. In the B column you will type in the according amount of calories for each food In the C column you will type in the according amount of fat. At the bottom row after you completed all the data add the information. And label the last row in column A total. Create a bar graph with this information and print it out.
You will learn how to have a healthy diet by being able to maintain clear records of what you eat on a daily basis. This excel workshop will help you be more organized so that you can evaluate how and what you eat every day.